Posted August 08, 2024
Hear me on the BBC!
Check out my new BBC Radio 4 series on STATUS… It was selected for Pick of the Week (from 17 minutes, 30 seconds).
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Posted April 10, 2024
Sigue aprendiendo y experimentando. El dicho de que no se le pueden enseñar trucos nuevos a un perro viejo ni siquiera es cierto para los perros. La novedad te mantiene energizado y comprometido. Cultiva relaciones sólidas. Encuentra inspiración en modelos a seguir. Piensa en Helen Mirren, David Attenborough o incluso Michelangelo, quien reconstruyó la Basílica…
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Posted December 22, 2021
In Praise of Slow Food
When a French friend of mine first moved to London, she found one local tradition utterly mystifying.​ It wasn’t the English penchant for talking about the weather, or for apologising when someone else steps on your toes.  ​ It was that Londoners eat while walking down the street.​ “Devouring a Niçoise salad and dodging pedestrians…
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Posted October 20, 2021
Reclaiming the Lost Art of the Stroll
Not long before the pandemic hit, someone reported me to the police. I wasn’t selling drugs or stealing a car or making too much noise in the middle of the night. I wasn’t even breaking the law. My only crime was to stroll through an American neighbourhood where walking is not the done thing. “People…
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Posted May 26, 2021
My Digital Detox
When was the last time you went three full days without looking at your phone? I did it this week – and it was genuinely amazing. Three nights in an Unplugged Cabin in a lush corner of the English countryside. In the evening, when the mellow light fell on the treetops, it was like stepping…
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Posted August 05, 2020
Keynotes in the time of Covid
If you’re looking for a speaker to help you thrive in these troubled times, drop me a line …. Carl Honoré – Speaker Pack – SLOWDownload Carl Honoré Speaker Pack for Parents + EducatorsDownload Carl Honoré Speaker Pack – AgeDownload “Online keynotes can be tough, but Carl’s story, anecdotes and personality held our audience of…
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Posted August 04, 2020
In Praise of Shyness
Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash The other day I stumbled across the Facebook page of someone I knew back in high school. It stopped me in my tracks for two reasons. The first was that Mike had put on 50 pounds and grown a beard. The second was that a guy once known for…
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Posted June 02, 2020
London Aging 2.0 has launched a Book Club – and BOLDER: MAKING THE MOST OF OUR LONGER LIVES is the inaugural choice! If you’d like to take part, sign up here. I will be doing a Zoom Q&A with readers on June 29th. See you there!
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Posted May 06, 2020
The Slow Newsletter is FINALLY here!
Today, after years of hemming and hawing, I am launching a SLOW NEWSLETTER. It’ll be weekly. And streamlined. Just one piece of inspiring news from the world of Slow. One tip for a better life. One piece of culture (book, film, article, exhibition, podcast, etc) that blew me away. Plus, updates on any cool stuff…
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Posted April 26, 2020
Reading a Slow Excerpt
So, this is a first: Me reading an excerpt from In Praise of Slow online. The excerpt describes an unforgettable dinner in (where else?) a little trattoria in Italy. Pulled together by my Slovenian publisher, but read in the original English. Buon appetito!
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Posted April 20, 2020
Could Covid be the moment we finally slow down (in a good way)?
Trust me, this isn’t what I had in mind. As the unofficial “godfather of the Slow Movement,” I’ve spent the last 15 years traveling the world to sing the praises of slowness. Urging people to reconnect with their inner tortoise. Calling for deceleration on a global scale. Well, careful what you wish for …. The Covid-19 pandemic…
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Posted April 11, 2020
Go Slow
Why it’s okay not to be productive during a pandemic ….
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Posted March 18, 2020
Slow in the time of Covid-19
A darkness has descended and we are all suffering. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. In times of crisis, though, I always look for the silver lining, the jiu-jitsu move that will turn the downside into upside. The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing the world to slow down. We can chafe…
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Posted March 17, 2020
12 Złotych Zasad dla Ludzi, Którzy się Starzeją (czyli dla Wszystkich)
1. Nie przestawaj się uczyć i eksperymentować. Powiedzenie „starego psa nowych sztuczek nie nauczysz” jest nieprawdziwe nawet w odniesieniu do psów. Nowe zajęcia i zainteresowania chronią nas przed zgnuśnieniem. 2. Buduj i podtrzymuj mocne więzi. 3. Inspiruj się ludźmi, którzy mogą służyć za wzór. Pomyśl o Helen Mirren, Davidzie Attenborough, a nawet o Michale Aniele, który z osiemdziesiątką na karku odbudowywał Bazylikę św.…
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Posted March 16, 2020
Slow Down to Make Better Decisions in a Crisis
Sound advice from the Harvard Business Review, especially in these extraordinary times ….
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Posted March 10, 2020
It’s high time the fashion and beauty industries stopped treating ageing like a disease, or as a shameful act of surrender or failure. It is none of the above. It is the most natural thing in the world and we all do it. Every day. Thanks to increased longevity, many of us can now look…
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Posted January 30, 2020
My new TED TALK ...
My new TED Talk has dropped. It’s about ageing and ageism. Check it out. Join the conversation. Share it around.
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Posted January 08, 2020
All Under One Roof
One of the best ways to combat ageism (and tackle the housing crisis) is to get different generations living together under the same roof. I wrote about this in my latest book, BOLDER. Heartening to see more and more examples sprouting here, there and everywhere.
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Posted January 08, 2020
Say No to the Cult of Hustle
You don’t have to work a 100-hour week to succeed in business. You don’t have to join the Elon Musk School of Masochism to make it. Even in the start-up world. Just ask Tobi Lutke, founder CEO of Shopify: “I’ve never worked through a night… and I’m home at 5:30pm every evening.”
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Posted January 08, 2020
And The Tortoise...Wins!
I’m not a smoker but …. gotta love a competition where the slowest competitor wins! At the Cigar Smoking World Championship, he or she who finishes last wins gold.
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Posted December 16, 2019
The Slow Revolution is spreading ... fast
Check out this overview by Yahoo News.
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Posted December 13, 2019
Learning Never Ends
Allegro, an online Polish retailer, comes up with some very good ads starring older actors. Some are funny. Others are artful. This one’s a tear-jerker…. A heartwarming reminder that you’re never too old to learn something new.
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Posted December 13, 2019
Midlife Crisis? What Midlife Crisis?
It’s high time we ditched expressions like “senior moment,” “wrong side of 40” and “midlife crisis” that reinforce the myth that ageing is all about suffering, loss and decline. As this article eloquently points out, midlife can be a pretty wonderful time for lots of reasons….
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Posted December 12, 2019
The Joys of Slow Travel
Why traveling by train adds so many layers to your journey – in a good way. #SlowTravel #SlowMovement 
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Posted November 18, 2019
12 Règles pour Vieillir avec Audace
1. Continuez à apprendre et à expérimenter. L’adage selon lequel on ne peut pas apprendre de nouveaux tours à un vieux chien n’est pas vrai (même pour les chiens !). La nouveauté vous permet de rester motivé et de garder votre énergie. 2. Cultivez des relations solides. 3. Inspirez- vous de modèles. Pensez à Helen…
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