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“Online keynotes can be tough, but Carl’s story, anecdotes and personality held our audience of business owners on the other side of the world captive for a full 90-minutes, and they wanted more. A world-class keynote presenter with a message everybody in the world with a pulse needs to hear. Book Carl for your next online event, it’s a guaranteed win.”
James Veigli
Founder of Broker Profits Vault (Melbourne, Australia)
“Carl put on an amazing show! The whole audience was energized by his insightful and fun presentation. He was fantastic! We got amazing comments! A huge huge thanks!”
Beatrice Imbert-Forgeot
Richemont Group (Paris, France)
“An amazing public speaker that engages the audience from the first to the last minute. He is a pleasure to work with.no prima donna in sight!!!! Great job!”
Greg Swan
Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (Montreal, Canada)
“Many thanks for a superb, insightful, dynamic, fun and fully inspiring presentation! Just had excellent feedback from all participants with no exception!”
Gilles Legault
Canadian National Railway Company (Montreal, Canada)
“Carl’s presentation was a hit, delivering a fresh perspective to our latest conference that tackled speed in business. Carl’s insights and passion managed to inspire so many C-level executives that going slower at times pays more and as a result it helps us improve and possibly find ways of doing things smarter and faster. I highly recommend Carl as he is a very good public speaker and able to adapt his ‘Slow Movement’ to so many different contexts.”
Morgan Parnis
Business Leaders Malta
“Carl Honoré was fantastic! He was dynamic, interactive and full of energy! We are proud as an organization to have brought such an interesting and inspiring speaker to our community. His ability to connect with an audience in a very personal way while imparting fascinating information about all of us is indeed unique. From beginning to the end his presentation was highly engaging, informative and insightful with real suggestions you could walk away with and put in place. We would highly recommend Carl Honoré as a speaker!”
Anastasia Zencika
Curator of ECOMMTALKS (Riga, Latvia)
“The excellent Carl Honoré closed the first edition of WELLNESS986 generating a great success and becoming the highest rated speaker! His fast talk about Slow hit the spot and provided excellent insight on how putting on the brakes could help us have more productive and more enjoyable lives.”
Tania Gonzalez
WELLNESS16 (London, UK)
“Carl was great. He was easy to partner with. He ensured that he understood the context of the event to be able to deliver to it. He was able to engage the audience in his speech and was approachable for the audience members to talk to him post the event and get his ideas/ perspectives.”
Nikunj Upadhyay
Barclays Capital (London, UK)
“Getting city lawyers to slow down is impossible surely? Carl was faced with this task at our latest Life With Law event, and succeeded in every way. Carl captured the whole room’s attention with his thoughts on The Slow Movement. His talk resonated with everyone in slightly different ways, but we all left wanting to find our inner tortoise.”
Amy Greenham
Lawyers on Demand (London, UK)
“Carl has a unique gift for storytelling and challenging each of us for individual action. His energy and ability to connect personally with experiences and data created momentum that we could feel across our audience of 350 on site and a further 200 online!” Marlene Raasok, Healthy Aging Summit (Calgary, Canada)
“All the feedback for Carl’s talk was universally positive – it was absolutely spot on for our audience.” Liz Drury, u3a (London, UK)
“Mr. Honoré spoke at the conference we annually host at the University of Cologne in Germany – the World Business Dialogue. His speech and participation in the panel discussion “Happiness in a modern world” vastly enriched and inspired us and the entire audience. We thank Mr. Honoré for contributing to our event in such a great way and would love to welcome him anytime at our events in the future!”
Robert Bouschery
World Business Dialogue (Cologne, Germany)
“How can we ever thank you for an informative and inspiring two days at Hewitt? I wish you could see my inbox right now (actually, you don’t want to see it, because it’s the opposite of slow). It’s full of thank you messages from parents thanking me and saying that they are going to buy your books and continue thinking and reading about slow parenting. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Tara Kinsey
The Hewitt School (New York, USA)
“Carl Honoré spoke at the 2010 International Society for the Performing Arts Congress in New York and brought his groundbreaking thinking about our pathology around time to several hundred arts leaders from around the world. Mr. Honore’s witty presentation was intellectually stimulating, highly entertaining, and forced us all to look at how we think about the invisible force that rules our lives: time. Encompassing world history, sociological observation,and a journalist’s eye for accurate detail, his talk was the unquestioned highlight of our conference this year.”
Russell Willis Taylor
National Arts Strategies (New York, USA)
“Carl spent considerable time conferring with me (by transatlantic telephone) to ensure that he understood the backgrounds, interests and concerns of those who would be attending each event. I have contracted other speakers over the years and, though most were successful, they did not delve as deeply as Carl did into the characteristics and interests of the intended audience. I believe this approach gives him an edge that translates into a warm and dynamic presentation that is invariably well received. I recommend Carl without reservation. He has the rare ability to speak without a written script in catching the attention and enthusiasm of the audience. You will not go wrong if you invite him to speak to members of your organization.”
Thomas L. Burton
National Recreation Summit; 60th Anniversary Conference of the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association; Golden Jubilee Address for U of A’s Faculty of Recreation and Leisure Studies (Alberta, Canada)
“Carl’s talk was exactly what we needed to hear. His blend of personal humor and fact-filled research on trends in parenting was helpful in reinforcing our school’s message about the need for free play and healthy rhythms for children. Parents feel pressure to create these perfect little beings. Carl’s warmth made us all relax and enjoy his timely message.”
Lauren Johnson
Portland Waldorf School (Oregon, USA)
“Carl recently addressed a group of parents at Blundell’s School. He is an immensely engaging speaker and his message resonated strongly with our community. The ‘Slow’ concept is simple and accessible but the practical challenges are considerable – but Carl’s talk really did leave people feeling like the challenge wasn’t an insurmountable one and that it was well worth the effort, individually and corporately. He provoked much meaningful discussion and debate and at times evoked a strong emotional response. Carl is clearly an experienced and clever speaker and he quickly found traction with his audience through his humorous and self-effacing stories. The only question we have left is when we might be able to get him back again!”
Bart Wielenga
Blundell’s School (Devon, England)
“Our children need more opportunities to play, be physically active and participate in sport without pressure to please the significant others in their lives; this was the theme of our International Physical Literacy Conference. We contracted Carl to provide an opening and closing keynote while attending sessions from the conference. Carl’s opening keynote reminded us about the dangers of living life in the fast lane and identified the many losses we suffer from these fast choices. For his closing keynote, Carl infused his reflections and insights from the conference then capped it off with a few recipes to inject some “slow” into one’s life. It was a spectacular and passionate finish to our conference! Carl was totally engaged and engaging; he joined in many conversations across the conference and was always accessible for questions and comments. Carl’s delivery is personal and very welcoming. He tells very funny stories about his own “speedaholic” life but the stories are also filled with lessons to be learned. Our delegates were thrilled that Carl was with us for the entire conference! He was a perfect fit for our conference; his presence enhanced the outcome for all who attended!”
Vicki Harber
International Physical Literacy Conference (Canada)
“Carl is a very engaging and eloquent speaker. He mixes personal anecdotes with academic research and is clearly passionate about his subject. During his time at our school he stimulated debate and questions amongst a hall full of parents who wanted more long after the session had been scheduled to finish, thoughtfully and honestly answered questions posed by a small group of parents the following morning and completely engaged a group of Upper School students who were quite willing to miss their break to continue their discussion and debate with him.”
Laura Hetherington
South Devon Steiner School (England)
“Carl Honoré was the principal keynote speaker at the 2010 World Leisure Congress in Chuncheon, South Korea. His contribution to several hundred practioners, academics and politicians drawn from the fields of tourism, recreation, sport and the arts was outstanding. Withengaging humour and a range of apposite anecdotes on human foibles and behaviour,recognised so easily by an international audience, he compared and contrasted the external pressures on individuals to react and succeeed with a more relaxed lifestyle choice. In contributing to the plenary seesion, leading a separate workshop and mixing freely with the delegates, Carl was accessible and responsive to debate and discussion during the Congress, especially engaging the many young delegates with warmth and encouragement. One mark of the success of a keynote speaker is reference back to the original speech at various points in the Congress; on this criterion alone Carl’s presentation could only be judged an overwhelming and memorable success.”
Dr Derek Casey, Chair
World Leisure Organisation (Chunchon, South Korea)
“(Carl’s) presentation was really exceptional in so many ways – actually, a model for sharing new ideas to a wide range of audiences.”
Philip Zimbardo
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Stanford University
(Third National Congress of Education in Poland)
“Carl Honoré es un conferencista increíble que combina de manera inteligente sus conocimientos con un gran sentido del humor. Su mensaje es indispensable para la vida cotidiana y útil para cualquier persona, desde un ama de casa hasta ingenieros, funcionarios y altos ejecutivos. Es momento de detenernos un segundo a reflexionar tan importante mensaje que nos comparte Carl Honoré: el sentido de la vida toma forma cuando nos damos tiempo de contemplarla. Además de un gran orador es una persona grande y sencilla. Tienes que escucharlo.”
– Andres Roemer
Curador, Ciudad de las Ideas (México)
Presidente, Poder Cívico A.C.
“Conferencia que aporta no solo al manejo eficiente del tiempo sino al equilibrio de vida entre trabajo y el goce obligado para sentir felicidad. Los asistentes al foro evaluaron como necesario y altamente pertinente la entrega en escena de Carl Honoré para sus vidas.”
– Maria Mónica Ruiz
Gerente, Foros El Espectador
Bogotá, Colombia
“Carl Honoré fue el ponente principal de la Jornada “Zaragoza: una ciudad humana y activa”, que tuvo lugar el día 10 de diciembre de 2009 en el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza. Contar con la participación de Carl Honoré, reconocido gurú de la filosofía slow, despertó una gran expectación ante la celebración de la Jornada, para comprobar en directo la fuerza que sus mensajes transmiten a través de los videos de internet. Nuestra pretensión era que un experto de talla internacional como Carl Honoré, nos acercara los valores del movimiento slow y pudiera descubrir a través de su experiencia el recorrido de Zaragoza en su búsqueda del equilibrio para ser mejor ciudad.
Carl Honoré pasó dos días entre nosotros, el primero de ellos no precisamente demasiado slow, puesto que las ruedas de prensa, presentaciones y entrevistas se sucedieron dada la repercusión de las palabras de Carl. Durante esa jornada Carl demostró no sólo su gran capacidad profesional, sino también su excelente talante personal y su don comunicativo. La conferencia hechizó y divirtió a los asistentes, y se cerró con un rotundo éxito engalanado por las luces de Navidad que empezaban a iluminar la ciudad.
La aportación de Carl Honoré ha sido muy importante para reafirmar esa cualidad de la que presume Zaragoza de ser una ciudad humana, de ser una ciudad para las personas. Una ciudad en la que poder vivir plenamente.”
– Jesús Blanco
Gerente, Zaragoza Global
“La visita de Carl Honoré a Colombia para hablar su obra “Bajo Presión”, fue una estimulante plataforma para que un destacado grupo de educadores colombianos intercambiara ideas acerca de la hiperpaternidad. El panorama global que Carl describe –con asombrosa riqueza de datos y fuentes-, le permitió a la audiencia entender la dimensión de esta peligrosa tendencia de crianza contemporánea y sus potenciales consecuencias. Carl es un maravilloso orador que combina magistralmente la calidez y el humor con un contenido profundo, inspirador y contundente“.
– Luis E. García de Brigard Ed.M
Chief Executive Officer, Off Bound Adventures
Desde la primera vez en el 2008 que te escuche en La Ciudad de las Ideas, me dejaste encantada con tu ponencia; y ahora en el 2010 magnífico!! Eres mi ídolo!! GRACIAS POR TUS COMPARTIR TUS CONOCIMIENTOS!
– Berenice
Te vi en la ciudad de las ideas, confieso que tus 20 minutos fueron de mis favoritos, igual ya habia visto los de 2008 en video y creo que compraré tus libros a mis padres.
– Marion
Muchisimas gracias por darnos un poquito de tu conocimiento. Por lo menos se que no debo hacer ahora.
– Khenya
Tu participación en la Ciudad de las Ideas estuvo increíble… Espero poder seguir tu trabajo.
– Neto
MAGNÍFICA tu ponencia sobre tu “creación”: el movimiento SLOW en el Congreso MENTES BRILLANTES de El Ser Creativo en Málaga, (SPAIN). No dejaste indiferente a nadie, y estamos tod@s entusiasmados tomándonos las cosas con su TIEMPO. Te recordaremos siempre “con cariño”.
– Inma
Carl, te vi por segunda vez en la Ciudad de las Ideas en Puebla, y me volvieron a emocionar mucho tus ideas, ya tengo tu libro, gracias y espero volver a escucharte pronto!!! felicidades!!
– Marko
Muy humorística y amena la plática….Excelente!!! Es la primerva vez que te escucho pero me has intrigado de leer tus libros
– Anabel
“Un excellent conférencier, Carl Honoré sait comment tenir son auditoire en haleine, parsemant son exposé d’anecdotes et d’histoires croustillantes.”
– Lausanne, Suisse
La Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie
“Non seulement un excellent orateur, mais la thématique abordée, avec humour, mais aussi de manière très documentée, invite à se poser pas mal de (bonnes) questions).”
– Marie-Noëlle Lovenfosse
Secrétariat Général de l’Enseignement Catholique (Belgique)
“Le respect de l’unité de chaque enfant a constitué le cœur du 3e colloque international du Regroupement des centres de la petite enfance de la Montérégie, tenu en mai 2009. Vaste programme que celui-là! Les conférenciers invités, tous des spécialistes du développement de l’enfant dans leurs secteurs respectifs, ont donc articulé leurs interventions en ce sens. La présence fort attendue de Carl Honoré lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture de ce colloque international a suscité un élan d’enthousiasme auprès des 1200 participantes. Avec son dynamisme, son sens de l’humour et son talent de communicateur, il a su raviver leur regard critique quant à la place qu’occupent dans notre quotidien la vitesse et la performance. Non satisfaites d’une seule présence en ouverture, les participantes ont eu le bonheur de le réentendre lors de la conférence de clôture du colloque, où les qualités de journaliste de Carl Honoré ont été mises à l’épreuve. Il avait en effet été invité à colliger, non pas en tant que spécialiste mais en tant que témoin, ce qu’il avait entendu tout au long du colloque et à réfléchir à haute voix sur l’avenir de l’enfance. Pari tenu, Carl Honoré a réussi à séduire son public, à le faire se questionner, et à repartir avec l’envie de ralentir un peu!”
– Céline Ricard
Présidente du Regroupements des Centres de la Petite Enfance de la Montérégie (RCPEM)
Québec, Canada
“Carl Honoré foi contratado para falar para uma exigente platéia de cerca de 400 pessoas no INFO CIO Meeting, na Bahia. E ele deu um show! Optamos pelo modelo de talk-show onde eu o entrevistei no palco. Seu fino humor e sobretudo a fluência de Carl na lingua portuguesa surpreendeu a todos e os encantou. O conteúdo de sua fala sobre o uso do tempo, incomodou um pouco por mexer com o modo como levamos nossas vidas de executivos. Calou fundo em todos, fazendo-nos pensar à respeito. Sempre avaliamos nossos keynote speakers e Carl foi um dos que teve maiores índices de ótimo/bom.”
– Alexandre Caldini
Diretor Superintendente
UN Negócios e Tecnologia
”O “In Conversation” do Carl Honoré na The School of Life Brasil foi muito impactante. Gerou um burburinho e até hoje (um ano depois) encontro pessoas que comentam como fizeram pequenas mudanças nas suas vidas após o encontro com o Carl. Adoraria recebê-lo de novo em São Paulo.”
– Diana Gabanyi, The School of Life, São Paulo