Can we do away with the hot-housing, ditch the obsession with testing, boost learning — and STILL keep accountability in schools?
Tag: parents
Less is more
Private-schools chief warns children are overloaded with structured extracurricular activities. Says let them “just go out and mooch about in the garden.”
Power of play
Scott Harper, a Canadian filmmaker, made a wonderful documentary called Lost Adventures of Childhood. It’s about what’s going wrong and right with childrearing today.
I have posted a few short clips from the film. In this one, I talk about the power of play not only to shape children but to build a better society.
Kids need to take risks
Scott Harper, a Canadian filmmaker, made a wonderful documentary called Lost Adventures of Childhood. It’s about what’s going wrong and right with childrearing today.
I have posted a few short clips from the film. In this one, the editor of Psychology Today and I talk about the benefits of letting kids learn to take risks and navigate the outside world on their own.
Professionalising youth sports
Scott Harper, a Canadian filmmaker, made a wonderful documentary called Lost Adventures of Childhood. It’s about what’s going wrong and right with childrearing today.
I have posted a few short clips from the film. In this one, I talk about how pick-up sports have been squeezed out by their organised equivalent.
Fear stifles childhood
Scott Harper, a Canadian filmmaker, made a wonderful documentary called Lost Adventures of Childhood. It’s about what’s going wrong and right with childrearing today.
I have posted a few short clips from the film. In this one, I’m talking about fear as a driving force behind modern childrearing.
Slow schools
How can a Slow school pick up the slack when parents fall short?
Childhood pre-hyperparenting
Scott Harper, a Canadian filmmaker, made a wonderful documentary called Lost Adventures of Childhood. It’s about what’s going wrong and right with childrearing today.
I have posted a few short clips from the film. In this one, I’m reminiscing about my own free-range childhood.
Blanche-Neige en 1 minute!
En 2011, le thème de la Foire de Paris fut le “Slow Time.”. Moi je fus le parrain de la Foire. Voici un clip où je parle de mon propre moment d”épiphanie par rapport à la lenteur
No Ball Games – the death of play
Scott Harper, a Canadian filmmaker, made a wonderful documentary called Lost Adventures of Childhood. It’s about what’s going wrong and right with childrearing today.
I have posted a few short clips from the film. In this one, I talk about the decline of free play for children.