The backlash against chronic busyness is coming.
Tag: Time
Time Flies. Or does it?
Fascinating piece on chronic impatience and how we experience time in a fast world.
Hurry Sickness?
If you never have time to think, you’re probably infected by the virus of hurry.
Tempus Fugit
Does how we measure time affect our relationship with time itself?
Do less, live more
Busy all the time? Maybe you’re just racing through life insteading of living it.
Unlimited Time off?
Kudos to Richard Branson for giving staff unlimited vacation. Judge people on work done, not hours logged. I’ve been arguing this for years.
Good hair day?
The Decelerator Helmet won’t cure the virus of hurry. It might help us rethink pace, perception + the cult of speed
Time for a change?
When tackling the virus of hurry, is “time management” part of the solution? Or part of the problem?
Slow Calendar?
Ever wonder what a “Slow” calendar would look like? Here’s one suggestion.
Slow in the Ivory Tower
A compulsory course for all first-year university students on our relationship with time + technology?