Here are seven things we can all start doing to shift out of fast-forward. Taken from my TV interview on the Steven and Chris Show.
Tag: TV interview
Tecnología y Slow
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TV interview on helicopter parenting
CBS TV news report on helicopter parenting including an interview with me…
Blast from the past
The first leg of my North American book tour for Under Pressure is over. My last interview here in San Francisco had a nice symmetry to it.Back in 1990, when I was in the final year of my undergraduate degree at Edinburgh University in Scotland, ABC’s Good Morning America came to town to do a few shows. I got taken on as a runner and ended up working with one of the presenters, Spencer Christian. We got along well and I’ve always remembered him fondly. So what a happy surprise to find Spencer waiting to interview me onView From the Bay.We even had a laugh about it on air. Sometimes TV can be a lot of fun…