A fine sermon from Canada on the folly of speedaholism and the joy + wisdom of slowness.
Tag: Canada
La hiperparentalité
Chacun veut le meilleur pour ses petits trésors. Mais… si on arrêtait d’en faire trop?
Not surprisingly I rather like this TV ad promoting tourism in my home province of Alberta: “Keep it slow, remember to breathe…”
Hockey and my slow childhood
Avenue Magazine asked me to write a column about growing up in Edmonton. Here is the result.
To drive or not to drive?
Check out this new documentary film on living car-free in a city built for the car (Calgary AB). Full disclosure: I’m one of the talking heads.
Walk the talk
Two families go car-free in Calgary, Canada for a week. What happened next? Check out the movie trailer to find out.
Slow Fix on 46th Floor
An unusual video of me in a room on the 46th floor of a hotel in downtown Toronto.
Don’t worry, it’s not that kind of video.
Instead, I’m talking about the financial crisis and THE SLOW FIX. I’m also wandering round the room, sitting on the bed, washing my face in the basin and opening the curtains with a portentous flourish.
All in moody slow motion.
It’s a bit Bill Murray in Lost in Translation...
Bestseller Status
All the blood, sweat and tears of the book tour were worth it. THE SLOW FIX is now into its second week at Number 2 in the Maclean’s Canadian national bestseller list.
Free-range kids?
A 30-minute TV show from Canada looking into the pros and cons of the modern approach to childrearing. I’m one of the featured guests.
Canadian TV on childhood
An interview I did on Canadian TV on Slow Childhood and Slow Parenting. It was over the Web, which is why I am wearing an earphone. I’m not listening to music at the same time!
This is a short clip from a full-length show that is posted elsewhere on the site under the name “Free-range kids?”