Are you ready to reboot your life? To make 2023 a year of joy and renewal?
Joining one of my 30 DAYS TO SLOW BOOT CAMPS can be the first step.
Here are testimonials from participants in the last Boot Camp:
“I loved doing the Boot Camp. It’s really helped me slow down my pace in everything. I am feeling way more present and energised. The workbook on its own is great but doing it in the Boot Camp takes the experience to another level.” (P. Bakker)
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience with the Boot Camp. It has given me pause to really think about what I am doing and why I am doing it….It has been terribly liberating to take it SLOW and still continue to be engaged, productive and creative!” (B. Jones)
Here’s the lowdown:
My 30 Days to Slow workbook is a practical, step-by-step guide to help you slow down in a fast world. You’ll come out the other end happier and healthier, more connected, dynamic and creative.
Here’s what Arianna Huffington tweeted about the workbook:
“So love @carlhonore’s new workbook ’30 Days to Slow,’ in which he guides readers through the steps of slowing down in a world where perpetual busyness is often seen as a badge of honor.”
To help you get the most from the workbook, I run 30 Days to Slow Boot Camps. You’ll be able to share inspiration and insights with your fellow travellers on the road to SLOW. And I’ll be on hand with guidance and advice via posts and Live chats.
This is how the Boot Camp works:
1. I host an opening Chat on Zoom. This is the welcome session. I set the scene and answer any questions you have. You can post questions live in the moment or beforehand in my How To Be Slow Facebook Group. The video is then posted in the Group to watch afterwards. The session lasts up to 30 minutes.
I recommend that you read through the Introduction and Overview sections of the Workbook before attending the opening session. That means reading up to the end of Page 8.
2. I host FOUR other Live Chats on Zoom. One at the end of each week of the Boot Camp. All sessions start at 17h (UK time) and last up to 30 minutes.
I send one email reminder before each Zoom Chat. That is the only email you will receive from me during the Boot Camp.
3. Throughout the 30 days, you can post in the Facebook Group. Ask questions, share tips, get to know your fellow participants. Slowing down is always easier when you do it with other people. I will drop into the Group regularly to join in the conversation and give written answers to your questions.
That’s all. Looking forward to seeing you in the next Boot Camp!